
Why choose our school?


Palmwoods State School is very proud of the strong links we have with our local community.  We are fortunate to have an experienced dedicated staff who are committed to using the latest technologies and research based strategies to help each child achieve.

Our curriculum program ensures our students consistently and comprehensively learn through all key learning areas from experienced teachers who employ proven strategies.  They are supported by a dedicated team of ancillary staff.

Some of the unique opportunities your child can experience at Palmwoods State School are: 

  • Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) supports student wellbeing, clear and consistent student behaviour expectations across our school. 
  • The Arts program provides additional learning activities including but not limited to choir, instrumental music, dance and drama. The instrumental music program is offers strings, woodwind, percussion and brass. Students are also invited to participate in the Education Department's annual Arts showcase Creative Generation (CGEN) - State Schools Onstage. 
  • Our permaculture garden program offers a practical and hands on approach for learners as well as providing options during lunchtimes.
  • A camping program operates for Years 4-6 and many excursions take place across all year levels to support units of work.
  • A swimming program is delivered to all year levels and includes a focus on surf skills in Year 5. We are fortunate to be able to access the local community pool which is a short walk from the school.
  • Whole school participation takes place in our annual Cross Country and Athletics Day events.  In addition to this, many sports take place throughout the year and students are eligible for selection to represent the school, district and state in team and individual sports.
  • A Student Council is elected each semester from nominating Years 3 - 6 students to ensure student voice in our school community.
  • A range of student leadership opportunities are provided to our Year 6 students who are elected annually and include School Captains, Sports House Leaders, Cultural Leaders, Technology Leaders and Environmental Leaders. 
  • High quality transition programs support our youngest learners to Get Set for Prep and ensure a strong start. Our graduating students are supported with their transition to High School as we work closely with our local feeder schools. 

Palmwoods State School boasts a strong and dedicated community and family culture. This is evidenced by our strong volunteer base, well-supported P&C events and fundraisers, quality relationships with local businesses, external agencies and positive interactions and involvement with local Early Learning Centres. Our staff dedication to student learning and wellbeing is demonstrated by a high level of collaboration and communication between home and school.

We look forward to welcoming you to our Palmwoods State School family.


Last reviewed 23 July 2024
Last updated 23 July 2024