Goldilocks wanted the porridge that was not too hot and not too cold, but just right!
This is called The Goldilocks Principle, and we apply it when we are deciding a Learning Goal for every child in the class – one that is not too hard to reach, but not too easy that it provides no challenge.
A learning goal is a specific, next step challenge that is individualised for every child, in Maths, Writing and Reading. These learning goals focus thinking and provide a criteria for success which motivates children to learn – often there is a reward associated with their achievement which adds an element of fun!
Learning goals must be highly visible to the children and referred to constantly throughout the lesson, so teachers have been coming up with creative ways to engage with them.
Why have learning goals?
Research tells us that children learn best when they know exactly what it is that they need to know or do, and start from the point at which they already know - this is called the ‘next steps’. Teachers and children use many sources to work out what the next steps are and these include:
- Marking and Feedback from teachers – what does the teacher regularly mark with pink?
- Checklists for writing – which step on the ladder is often marked with pink?
- Tuft Sheets – what is often a problem area?
- Non-negotiable skills – mental maths, spelling of common words – common errors.
Teachers use pink highlighter to mark things that the child need to think a little more about.
“Pink for Think!”
How can I help at home?
- Ask your child what their learning goals are and what they are working on to help achieve that.
- Communicate regularly with your child’s teacher about ideas to help.
- Talk with your child about putting in effort and responding to feedback as they work on their learning goal - this links to the growth mindset and knowing how their brain works.
Happy Learning!